Myka Basco is a well known Instagram model known for his beautiful photos and videos.
Myka Basco hasn’t revealed his birth date but she was born in year 1993 and Myka Basco age is 27 years old. Myka Basco is living in Philippines.
Personal info :
Name : Myka Basco
Full Name : Myka Basco
Nick Name : Not known
Country : Philippines
Birth date : 1993
Birth Place : Philippines
Profession : Instagram Model
Age : 27 years old
Educational details :
At the time Myka Basco hasn’t revealed any information about her Educational details. We will update in future.
Myka Basco Height, Weight and Body measurements :
Myka Basco weighs around 61 kg and has height of 5ft 5 inch. Myka Basco has and black eyes and Black hair.
Myka Basco body measurements is 36-28-38.
Weight : 61 kg
Height : 5ft 5 inch
Hair Colour : Black
Eye Colour : Black
Body measurements : 36-28-38
Myka Basco Family Information :
At the time Myka Basco hasn’t revealed any information about her parents and Family. We will update this in future.
Myka Basco Career Details :
Myka Basco is not a just a model she is also Marketing Director of InfinitUS.
Myka Basco started her modeling Career from Instagram.
Myka Basco is also making videos on Tiktok and has 100k+ followers.
Myka Basco also has a Facebook page where she has more than 6k Likes.
Myka Basco Instagram details :
Myka Basco Instagram handle is @mykabasco. Myka Basco has total of 163k followers on her Instagram account.
She has uploaded total 2815 posts on her Instagram account. Myka Basco follows total 1803 accounts on Instagram.
The average amount of likes of Myka Basco Instagram photo gets is 10k to 20k likes.
Myka Basco Net worth :
Myka Basco has estimated net worth of $400k and earning 10k per Instagram Sponsorship photo.
Myka Basco Boyfriend and Relationship :
At the time Myka Basco hasn’t revealed any information about his boyfriend and relationship status. So we can say that Myka Basco is single right now.
Myka Basco Lifestyle :
Did Myka Basco drinks alcohol ?
Ans. No.
Did Myka Basco smoke ?
Ans. No.
Did Myka Basco owns a pet ?
Ans. No.
Did Myka Basco goes to gym everyday ?
Ans. Yes.
Did Myka Basco knows swimming?
Ans. Yes.
Did Myka Basco know how to drive?
Ans. Yes.
Did Myka Basco know how to cook?
Ans. Yes.
Did Myka Basco is married ?
Ans. No.
I hope you have all the information about Myka Basco that you wanted to know. If you have any questions about Myka Basco you can ask me in comment Section. Feel free to comment.